Running Drupal is a cool and sophiscated infrastructure fully built upon the PHP stack. This makes it truely easy to develop and extend the platform. comes with a built in webserver module with PHP-FPM therefore it is possible to install any PHP-App and run it on that platform. The following guide shows how easy it is to install on a Mac and run wordpress.

Prerequisite: Up and running installation of MySQL

You will need a running installation of (>= Version 1.0.0-rc3). If you are new to this project you can easily download and follow the installation guide for your specific OS.

After the setup has finished the is up and running and you can call the welcome page with


By default, is configured to run on port 9080 in order to not to affect any existing webserver installations. You can easily change that in the /opt/appserver/etc/appserver.xml just by going to section

<server name="http"

and change the port within that section for example to 80. After that restart the which can be done with the following command.

sudo /opt/appserver/sbin/appserverctl restart

Of course there is no need to change the port if you only want to check out the capabilities of this amazing platform.


In order to run the application on, download the latest drupal release from

To install drupal there are now two options. The easiest way is to install drupal without creating a vhost. Therefore just unpack the drupal source into your webrootfolder which in case of the appserver is always the webapps folder underneath /opt/appserver/webapps/. In that folder you will still find the already installed example app and of course the welcome page. Just create a folder named „drupal“ and unpack the source there.

After successfully unpacking the drupal sources you are able to use the drupal webinstaller just by open a browser and calling the URL Before you start the installation it is necessary to create a settings.php file. Copy the default settings

cp /opt/appserver/webapps/drupal/sites/default/default.settings.php /opt/appserver/webapps/drupal/sites/default/settings.php

In addition make sure to correct the rights of the drupal folder to ensure drupal is able to write the configuration.

chmod -R 775 /opt/appserver/webapps/drupal/

Now you are free to step through the installation wizard and therefore it is necessary to create a MySQL database. To create a database you can use the MySQL command line or just use another database administration tool like phpMyAdmin. Of course you can also install phpMyAdmin on Just read the tutorial

To create the database by the command line just use the following line

mysql -uroot -p

On the MySQL command line it is easy to create an empty database. Just use the following command.


Now you are ready to install drupal. Just follow the install wizard.

Installing with Virtual Host

To run a virtual host simply follow the steps below. As with any other Webserver using a vhost you have to add the domain you like to use in your hosts file first.

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Add the following lines: drupal.local
::1 drupal.local
fe80::1%lo0 drupal.local

Afterwards add the vhost to the webserver config of the appserver which you also find in /opt/appserver/etc/appserver/conf.d/virtual-hosts.xml. There is already an example virtual host configuration available. Add the following configuration within the tag.

<virtualHost name="drupal.local">
        <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
        <param name="documentRoot" type="string">webapps/drupal</param>
        <rewrite condition="!-d{AND}!-f{AND}!^/favicon.ico" flag="L" target="/index.php"/>

After adding the vhost, restart the appserver and start with the Installation as described at the beginning of this tutorial

sudo /opt/appserver/sbin/appserverctl restart

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